Finnish sauna and ice hole in the lake in OraviSaimaaHoliday Oravi

Finnish sauna and ice hole in the lake in Oravi 3 Gallery image Gallery image
Vastuullinen yritys

The site-specific sustainability actions were reported by the company. The company is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

  • Tuemme vastuullisesti paikallistaloutta We support the local economy in a responsible manner 3 / 3
  • Vaalimme kulttuuriperintöä We treasure cultural heritage 3 / 3
  • Olemme saavutettavissa esteettömästi We offer unobstructed accessibility 2 / 2
  • Toimimme ympäristöystävällisesti We are environmentally friendly 14 / 14
  • Teemme vastuullisuutta suunnitelmallisesti We are consistent in sustainability 5 / 6


  • Ekokompassi
  • Roope-satama-logo
  • VF_stf_logo
  • tervetuloa-pyorailija

There are two saunas by the Oravi canal and from the saunas you can go swimming all year round. In the saunas, we also organize guided saunayoga classes.

Private sauna in the winter:
45 €/ h/1-4 persons or 65 €/h/sauna/group