Travelling to Savonlinna

Travelling to Savonlinna is easy, with diverse travel connections including busses, trains, quality roads and a small airport that offers domestic flights to Helsinki and back. Check the connections and schedules to the hub of eastern Finland. Travellers can come to the city by train, bus, plane or even by boat along Lake Saimaa. It is easy to drive to Savonlinna from Lappeenranta, Mikkeli and Joensuu, and it’s not too far from Kuopio, Jyväskylä or Lahti either. From Helsinki to Savonlinna, the distance is 330 km, just under a four-hour drive.

Domestic flights between Helsinki and Savonlinna

Scheduled flights between Helsinki and Savonlinna (flying time 1 hour) are flown on weekdays.

Direct flights between Rotterdam and Savonlinna

Scheduled flights between Rotterdam and Savonlinna are flown on Wednesdays from June 19th to September 11th.

Savonlinna Airport is located approx. 13 km / 15 min from the Market Square. You can easily get around by taxi.

Parking in Savonlinna

In the city centre, the allowed time for parking is generally restricted by parking discs. However during the summer you will need to pay to park in some areas of the city at a ticket machine, Monday to Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 8am-3pm. Read more about parking in Savonlinna and check the winter (16.8-30.6.) and summer (1.7-15.8.) parking maps for different parking areas.

Green: free of charge

Blue: parking disc

Red: ticket machine

Electric car charging stations

You can find additional information, prices of charging points on the map of electric car charging points. As well as the situation of currently available charging plugs.

More information about getting around in the Savonlinna region

Arriving to Savonlinna by public transport

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