OraviSaimaaHoliday Oravi

Oravi 3 Gallery image Gallery image
Vastuullinen yritys

The site-specific sustainability actions were reported by the company. The company is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

  • Tuemme vastuullisesti paikallistaloutta We support the local economy in a responsible manner 3 / 3
  • Vaalimme kulttuuriperintöä We treasure cultural heritage 3 / 3
  • Olemme saavutettavissa esteettömästi We offer unobstructed accessibility 2 / 2
  • Toimimme ympäristöystävällisesti We are environmentally friendly 14 / 14
  • Teemme vastuullisuutta suunnitelmallisesti We are consistent in sustainability 5 / 6


  • Ekokompassi
  • Roope-satama-logo
  • VF_stf_logo
  • tervetuloa-pyorailija

Discover the exceptionally beautiful and idyllic rural village, through which flows a charming canal route near Linnansaari National Park. Oravi village has a long history as a key hub in Saimaa’s waterway network.

Oravi Lake Center

A harvest menu will be served throughout the weekend at Ruukinranta restaurant, featuring local freshwater fish, wild mushrooms, and berries.
Come and watch the exciting crayfish trapping demonstrations in the beautiful canal! You can also buy delicious, pre-cooked crayfish at the village shop and the restaurant.

On Saturday, live music will fill the air at Ruukinranta, and a market event will take place at the village shop, featuring a variety of sales stands. Local food products will be available for purchase at the Oravi village shop throughout the weekend.

We will host dock fishing for children in Oravi harbor on Friday, and the Oravi lakeside sauna will be open for all. On Saturday, Oravi WPK (volunteer fire department) will organize a freestyle fishing competition by the dock.

Event location: Oravi Canal Village
Opening hours will be confirmed at a later date.

Participating in the Saimaa Harvest Festival, September 12-14, 2025: Oravi Village Association, The Martha Association Oravi, Oravi volunteer fire department (WPK), and other local businesses.


We are part of the Saimaa Harvest Festival, September 12-14, 2025.