Operation Lörtsy – this is how you enjoy it!

The speciality treat of Savonlinna is the ”lörtsy”. You can buy it savoury or sweet, however you like, with many fillings to choose from. 

This is how this Savonlinna treat is enjoyed the correct way: 

  1. Go to the Savonlinna Market Square and look for a sign that says “lörtsyjä”. Approach the vendor bravely. 
  1. Decide whether you want a savoury snack or something sweet. Choose the lörtsy to your liking from the list. (The best way, however, is to have a savoury one first and then a sweet one for dessert). 
  1. Ask for “lörtsy” (pronounced a bit like “lert-sue”) – the vendors usually understand more than just the Finnish Savo dialect. 
  1. Grab your lörtsy and find a nice spot to enjoy it amongst the other lörtsy eaters. 
  1. Enjoy at your own pace, admire the scenery, lick the remaining sugar from the corners of your mouth and digest with no hurry. 

We warmly recommend enjoying lörtsy in the Savonlinna Market Square of all places, while admiring the sparkling blue of Lake Saimaa and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere. If for some reason you can’t make it to the Market Square, a good back-up plan is to search in local grill kiosks and supermarkets. 

Tip – A savoury lörtsy is a perfect snack after a long night out in the town!