Yacht cruisesNature Hotel & Spa Resort Järvisydän

Yacht cruises 5 Gallery image Gallery image Gallery image Gallery image
Vastuullinen yritys

The site-specific sustainability actions were reported by the company. The company is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

  • Tuemme vastuullisesti paikallistaloutta We support the local economy in a responsible manner 3 / 3
  • Vaalimme kulttuuriperintöä We treasure cultural heritage 3 / 3
  • Toimimme ympäristöystävällisesti We are environmentally friendly 15 / 16
  • Teemme vastuullisuutta suunnitelmallisesti We are consistent in sustainability 4 / 6


  • greenkey_logo

Join us for a yacht cruise with our new yacht. Cruises depart daily from Järvisydän Harbour.
Daily departure times at 4pm.

Cruise with a yacht 52,90 €/person (children -50%)

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Nature Hotel & Spa Resort Järvisydän
Responsible company
Savonlinna services DaySpa


Nature Hotel & Spa Resort Järvisydän
Responsible company
Savonlinna services DaySpa