2-night Renewed Spa Holiday on the Shores of Saimaa includes activities, a spa visit, and buffet breakfasts.
The minimum stay is 2 nights to ensure you have enough time to relax, explore the stunning landscapes of the national park, and enjoy all the services included in the holiday. You can choose an activity that suits you best, such as seasonal rental equipment for 2 hours, a guided wellness session, or even wine tasting. The Fisherman’s Lunch activity combines fishing with a delicious campfire lunch.
Choose the accommodation option that best suits you. Options include hotel rooms, Panorama and Forest Suites with private outdoor hot tubs, or scenic suites like the Scenery Suites and Kota Suites.
In the unique Lake Spa, you can unwind with gentle sauna sessions, heated “saimaa ringed seal” stones, and pools both indoors and outdoors in the refreshing waters of Lake Saimaa. The holiday includes one spa visit per guest.
The 2-night spa holiday includes:
– Access to the Lake Spa (1 per guest)
– Buffet breakfasts at Restaurant Piikatytto
– One activity of your choice per guest (e.g., seasonal rental equipment for 2 hours, wine tasting, guided yoga session, summer cruise to the national park, or the Fisherman’s Lunch).