Plenty to see

There are many interesting places to visit in the surroundings of Savonlinna, including national parks Linnansaari and Kolovesi, the world´s largest wooden church and the national forest museum of course. Olavinlinna, our medieval castle and the place for annual Savonlinna Opera Festivals, is a must see.

Olavinlinna Castle
See Statue of St. Olaf
See Riihisaari
Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland
Recreation, See Punkaharju Nature Reserve
Finnish Forest Museum Lusto
See, Services Sense the forest
Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland
Recreation, See Siikalahti Wetland
Finnish Forest Museum Lusto
See, Shopping Museum Shop
Parish of Savonlinna
See Cathedral of Savonlinna
Olavinlinna Castle
See Olavinlinna Castle
Finnish Forest Museum Lusto
See Lusto for children
Parish of Savonlinna
See Kerimäki Church
Finnish Forest Museum Lusto
See Finnish Forest Museum Lusto
Saviseppä Hannu Sairanen
See, Shopping Saviseppä Putikko
Finnish Forest Museum Lusto
See, Shopping Museum Shop