Here you’ll find the best seasonal holiday offers and travel packages for your trip to Lake Saimaa in Finland.
Seasons – click to see more!
Other holiday offers
Kakkukaaos Oy
Do, Eat
4. Olavinlinna’s Black Ram Pie
Bistro The Fishing Spot
13. Nessun Dorma – Smoked fish tzatziki -vohveli
Tertti Manor
Do, Eat
15. Last temptation
Summer Hotel Vuorilinna
Tertti Manor
Do, Eat
14. The Fairy Queen
Holiday Resort Harjun Portti
2-3 nights offer in Double cottages | Punkaharju
KORPI Restaurants
Do, Eat
3. Menu Nessun Dorma
Kakkukaaos Oy
Do, Eat
10. Mozart’s Chocolate Cake
Tertti Manor
Do, Eat
16. The King’s Goblet Macbeth
Cafe Rantakivi
12. Papageno’s Delicacy Platter
Crêpe Café Kalliolinna
1. Forest Surprise Crêpe
Green Care Farm Luonnos
2. Juha’s Smoked Salmon Pie à la Luonnos